Dreams are answers to questions we haven’t yet figured out how to ask.


Dreams have long fascinated us. We do research to understand how they come about and what they mean. Dreams have inspired scientist, artist, inventors and philosophers since the beginning of time.

Dreams inspired Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s masterpieces Kubla Khan and The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.

Many of Robert Louis Stevenson’s best stories came from dreams. As did many of the stories and poems of Edgar Allen Poe.

Do you remember your dreams? Are you in touch with this extraordinary resource? If you don’t remember them, there are plenty of books and websites to give you advice about how you go about remembering your dreams. Also check out a technique called lucid dreaming if you’re not familiar with this practice.

Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.

~Marsha Norman

Dreams are a great resource on multiple levels. Dreams can bring us self discovery, ways to work out issues, create new characters, play out scenes or develop plots, build settings, explore moods, and anything else you can dream on.

Bottom line: pay attention to your dreams. They are your creative efforts at their finest.

Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power,

which if it were available in waking,

would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.

~H.F. Hedge

Question for today: How do you use your dreams in your writing life? (And if you don’t – how might you begin doing this?)

Best Wishes,
